Tag: MultiFunction Device
Umango Profiling at the Device
Scanning and profiling documents directly at a multifunction device can provide significant efficiency and productivity benefits in your office environment. What is Profile at Device? Imagine being able to walk up to any photocopier (MFD) within your business and with the push of the button, scan and be presented in real-time on the panel, information…
Time is care: simplifying fax integrations for healthcare
In April PaperCut launched their Scan to Fax integration for the healthcare industry, as part of PaperCut MF 21.0. It was the culmination of healthcare product engineers tirelessly crafting faxing integrations for more than 10 months. Faxing is a critical method of securely transmitting patient data in healthcare. But it often means a separate and disparate workflow away…
PaperCutMF Gives Us the Gift of a 19.2 Release for the Holidays!
PaperCut is constantly working on giving users the best experience possible. Building on the 19.1 features, here are the latest updates in the 19.2 release: Print Deploy Chromebooks have been added to the list of operating systems Print Deploy supports. Deploy printers, drivers, and default settings to locations. PaperCut has also included deploying to specific…