Tag: Dashboards
Enhancing Healthcare Printing Efficiency: The Significance of Advanced Print Analytics
Comment The healthcare industry is grappling with various challenges, including escalating costs, staffing shortages, heightened service demand, post-Covid recovery, and the push for increased digital health investments. Despite the UK National Health Service’s plan to go paperless over five years ago, recent reports revealed significant expenditures on paper medical records storage, indicating a substantial volume…
How to Sell Intuitive
Intuitive has created a sales infographic to outline the key points that you need to sell Intuitive for PaperCut dashboards. It covers the 3 main points that drive Intuitive: The underlying issues that currently surround printing Discovering the need for print management dashboards The benefits of Intuitive for PaperCut dashboards Selling Intuitive Dashboards for Print…
Intuitive BI for HR, Your HR Data Made Clear
Visualize the data in your HR systems for effective recruitment, management, and retention of your employees. Intuitive HR for personalized, relevant dashboards based on the data in your HR system It is critical for organizations to ensure they effectively recruit, manage, and retain their employees to deliver against their business plan. Employment is the single…
Returning to work: Why are print management providers turning to analytics to compete in the post-covid world?
Intuitive’s infographic shares information on how the Print Industry looks as we all return to work. It also explains why print management providers should be turning to analytics to compete in the post-covid world. Take a look at the infographic to understand how print management dashboards can help you to achieve your targets. ecoprintQ is…
Intuitive BI and the Environment
Sustainability & Minimizing Print’s Environmental Impact There are many different ways a business can become sustainable: reducing waste, preventing pollution, adopting clean energy, conserving water, greening the planet by planting trees, using sustainable materials, making our products sustainable, and by adopting sustainable business travel policies. Here are some of the ways that Intuitive Business Intelligence…
Why use dashboards for Print Management?
What is a dashboard? A Business Intelligence (BI) dashboard is an interactive way to visualize and navigate through important business metrics and data. Typically a dashboard will give a high-level view and from there the user can “drill down” to get more specific insights. The goal is to take a huge amount of data; possibly…