
How does cloud print work?

Cloud printing is a convenient way to print from anywhere. As a cloud-based solution, it enables you to print remotely and outside your local network by securely and speedily sending print jobs over the internet. The type of cloud-based print service most employees might be familiar with is sending a document from their smartphone or […]

What Every Business Needs to Know About Umango

Do you need a flexible and efficient scanning solution? Umango offers flexibility and efficiency in name scanning, indexing, conversion, and document storage. Umango is easy to install, configure, and use, resulting in short and painless implementation projects. Documents can be profiled in the panel on compatible MFDs, in a browser and tablet, or within the […]

¿Qué es la impresión en la nube?

Los servicios de impresión en la nube se dividen en dos funcionalidades separadas.  El Software que proporciona habilitación de impresión en la nube y el  software que proporciona gestión de impresión en la nube. Impresión en la nube frente a gestión de impresión en la nube. La impresión en la nube y la gestión de […]

What is cloud print?

Cloud printing services fall under two separate functionalities. Software that provides print enablement over the cloud. And software that provides print management in the cloud. Cloud print vs cloud print management Cloud print/cloud printing and cloud print management sound similar. But they mean two distinct forms of cloud print solutions. Cloud print or cloud printing […]

Understand the M-Files connector configuration

There are a number of ways the M-Files connector can be configured in your environment, and understanding those configurations is important for ensuring that your file upload process works correctly. The following guide will walk you through the configuration requirements for your specific integration.    There are a number of ways the M-Files connector can be […]

¿Qué es PaperCut Grows?

PaperCut ha estado reduciendo el desperdicio de impresión durante 20 años y contando, evitando que se impriman 2300  millones  de páginas innecesarias, lo que equivale a 280 451 árboles salvados. Pero reducir el desperdicio es solo una parte del problema. Ahora están resolviendo la segunda mitad de la ecuación de la impresión: después de reducir los desechos, ¿cómo retribuyen […]

¡La disponibilidad general para PaperCut MF 22.0 ya está disponible!

¿Cómo mejorar la solución de gestión de impresión líder en el mercado? Durante los últimos dos años de la interrupción de la pandemia, PaperCut ha visto y escuchado de primera mano las necesidades cambiantes de sus clientes y socios. Están escuchando y tomando medidas para cumplir con las prioridades cambiantes de los clientes y aprovechar […]


Look out for ecoprintQ’s new advertisements in the May issue and the website of The Cannata Report! In May, we are excited to announce that ecoprintQ will be advertising in The Cannata Report’s magazine and website. The May issue is a special edition that celebrates their 40th-Anniversary and will include industry leading features: A4 vs. […]

How to save 280,451 trees with one PaperCut feature

If you’re reading this you’re most likely at a crossroads with printing for your business. You’re then most likely asking yourself, “There must be better ways to print today?” That line of questioning will lead you to ask if there are better ways to cut costs, better ways to keep your team safe, better ways […]

Print Hotspots

How do I use Intuitive for PaperCut MF v3 to identify expensive print hotspots in my organization? Fill out the form below in order to get a 40 day trial. This Intuitive new version 3.0 includes 8 pre-configured dashboards that will help you to analyze and have more into deep experience with new important features for data visualization as including:  ecoprintQ is committed to delivering excellent service to every customer, providing support at each phase of an […]

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