Print Tracker is a secure, cloud-based platform that gives you all the features you need to have complete visibility to your printer fleet.

Print Tracker gathers the device description, IP address, serial number, device location, page count, toner levels, and service alerts of all printing devices.

With Print Tracker Pro, you can collect meters, gather supply levels and receive alerts. Print Tracker Pro comes with features you expect:
  • Device management: Manage device settings, collect meters and supply levels, and view device status from anywhere in the world.
  • Real-time DCA: Securely interact with your data collection agent in real-time. Change settings, upload meters, scan for devices, and more without waiting around.
  • Alerts: Receive notifications for events like low supplies, supply replacements, premature supply replacements, and more.
  • Configure your fleet: Now that you’ve found your devices you can start setting up your alerts, customize and schedule reports, and integrate with your ERP system.
  • Remote Technician: We released the first remote access tool for printers back in 2020 and called it Remote Technician. It allows you to remotely access your device’s web page from anywhere on the planet allowing you to change settings, update firmware, access the device’s physical console, and more.
  • Improved security: Remote Technician leverages industry standard protocols and encryption methods and does not require any port-forwarding or other special firewall configurations to work.
  • Custom Reports: Every organization has different needs when it comes to reporting. Print Tracker Pro collects every data point your device supports and you can customize your reports with exactly what you need.
  • Supply Insights: Understanding how your customers use their supplies is critical to staying profitable. Print Tracker implements several algorithms to help you understand your customers’ supply usage and take proactive action.

About Print Tracker Pro

What does it do?

  • Visibility: Immediate reports on the contracts and the fleet, with concrete data and historical analyses updated in real time.
  • Efficiency: Simplification of management and delivery processes of consumables.
  • Transparency: Cost and consumption data always available on the web, allowing for transparency on expenses and invoicing.
  • Flexibility:Create custom reports leveraging the power of SQL. Possibility of following the dynamics of the device’s fleet (IMAC) on a daily basis.
  • Operations: Ideal management of the contract in all its operational and economic aspects.
Every organization has different needs when it comes to reporting. We collect every data point your device supports and you can customize your reports with exactly what you need.

Why Print Tracker Pro?

Print Tracker Pro release the first remote access tool for printers back in 2020 and called in Remote Technician. It allows you to remotely access your device’s web page from anywhere on the planet allowing you to change settings, update firmware, access the device’s physical console, and more.

Secure, simple, efficient – Remote Technician leverages industry standard protocols and encryption methods and does not require any port-forwarding or firewall configurations. With the click of a button you can remotely access your device’s web page from your own browner and from anywhere in the world.

Custom reports, leveraging the power of SQL, provide for ultimate flexibility to customize your reports to exactly what you need.

Print Tracker Pro Features

Print Tracker Pro is the premiere system for printer fleet management available on the market.

Print Tracker Pro is the ideal solution to gain full control and proper cost management of the printer fleet. The system allows dealers and service providers to:

Monitor remotely the devices installed at your client’s/user’s sites
Check the condition of the consumables
Receive and manage alerts regarding low consumables
Perform page counter readings on the devices
Maintain a database that records all events and device-related data
Conduct searches, even complex ones, and create reports on all data retrieved from devices
Carry out  global management of contracts related to the devices, whether it’s a question of cartridge consumption or costs per page
Real-time access to all data and indicators of volume, consumption, average coverage, duration, and frequency of consumable changes
Integrate with any database system, ERP, CRM, or other software dedicated to the management of fleets of devices and related services

Why is it the best?

  • Multi-brand: Maximum software compatibility is guaranteed for all printers and multifunction models connected to the network, which comply with the specifications of the RFC 3805 Printer MIB v.2 SNMP
  • Based on the web: Available as a Cloud-based service that is accessible over the Internet-compatible with any browser
  • Based on standards: SNMP data collection and processing on the Cloud platform
  • Secure: Uses secure communication and access protocols for customer data, is hosted within an Information Security Management System, certified according to ISO/IEC 27001:2014 standards
  • Easy to implement: The Customer installs the data reading software on their own network with great ease. From that moment, the data can be managed from any web access on any device (Computer, Tablet, Smartphone, etc.)

What does it offer?

  • Managed printing devices under control: only the information you need, when you need it.
  • The data is accessible on a completely graphic portal for maximum simplicity of use.
  • Highly reliable collection of network printer data thanks to an exclusive cluster of monitoring agents.

Who is it designed for?

  • For dealers and resellers of printers and multifunction devices of any brand.
  • The solution seamlessly integrates with the Dealer’s ERP and CRM systems thanks to an advanced API system.

How to purchase?

  • Print Tracker Pro is a secure cloud-based platform
  • The user pays a subscription to access the service via the Web Portal without buying any hardware or software license.



Cross-platform support

The Print Tracker data collection agent is supported on Windows, macOS and several Linux distributions including Debian, Ubuntu, and Raspbian.


We’re constantly improving Print Tracker, but that isn’t something that you should have to worry about. All our agents automatically upgrade themselves.


Do you want to install multiple agents on the same network? Not a problem! Print Tracker will automatically cluster multiple agents so they work together to collect data from the same devices without you having to configure a thing!

SNMPv1, 2 and 3

Print Tracker can talk to any device that supports SNMP and is compatible with all SNMP versions. Is your customer security-conscious and using SNMP v3? No problem!

Supply burn-down charts

Easily visualize years worth of supply consumption across all your supplies at a glance.

Alert management

Change the resolution status of supply alerts and take notes on your alerts. Statuses and notes are shared across your team.

Role-based access control (RBAC)

Give your employees and your customers access to Print Tracker. Control what your users are allowed to do using our role-based access control system.


We are here to solve your doubts and tell you more about Print Tracker Pro,
Contact us at or by 800 236 8499



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