With the ever-evolving world of technology, cybercrime has steadily followed suit. Although it’s hard to be 100% foolproof, taking measures to heighten security to lower the risk of being hacked. To ensure your business is making strides to protect itself from cybercrime, here are 3 tips on how to keep your business protected.
Enforce a Strong Password Policy
Creating a strong password to avoid hackers doesn’t always seem like a big deal, but it can help your business stay protected. When creating passwords, a strong password should always include
- At least eight characters, where adding more would strengthen the password
- Include a mixture of uppercase and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters like exclamation points
- Be changed every few months
- Never shared with anyone or left written somewhere for people to easily find/see
Automatic Lockscreens
If you leave your smartphone alone after using it for a bit, it usually locks automatically within a minutes or seconds. When you pick it up again, you must enter your password. Office computers can be set to lock after a few minutes of no activity.
Secure Sending
Install tools that let you send and receive files securely. Be aware of phishing emails and scams that come across your way and alert your head/director of IT. If possible, use automatic encryptions when you can.
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