3 Things you should know about the environmental impact of office machines

3 Things to Know About the Environmental Impact of Office Machines

Have you wondered how office machines impact the environment?

It’s a hot topic right now and many multifunction device (MFD) industry leaders are equipping their machines with settings that help conserve supplies and energy. There is still room for improvement so that as an industry, we make the best possible efforts to protect our environment. Along with our customers who are implementing environmentally friendly practices in the workplace that help to decrease the impact on the environment.

Moving from paper to cloud with OCR

Sure, the nature of the MFD and printing industry has always been surrounded by concerns of improper disposal of toner and ink cartridges and paper waste. Very valid concerns, thankfully the ushering in of the digital age and a jump in digital media is helping. MFDs are being produced with the ability to scan to email and if they are not able to do so, PaperCut and Umango can be applied to take over that task. “Hard” copies are becoming a think of the past.

Feature with both these software’s allow users to receive an electronic image of the document and either email to several destinations or store in a cloud environment rather than handing out hard copies to various people. Umango even lets you edit the digital image as soon as you receive it!

What to do with the toner cartridges?

Good question! Just the thought that tons of toxic ingredients in toner and plastics from the cartridges are causing damage to the environment should motivate many companies to find a recycling program to lessen this type of waste. Your office can organize a program that would collect used cartridges and either ship them or drop them off at recycling points.

Manufacturers also offer programs to help recycle cartridges like drop off points or return labels with paid shipping so that these can be returned for recycling or reuse.

Be an Educated Consumer

Ultimately, it’s up to the consumer to act conscientiously and take advantage of recycling programs. As mentioned, there are ink and toner manufactures that provide options to recycle toner and cartridges. They take advantage of the opportunity to reuse cartridges, saving themselves money as well as decreasing the environmental footprint of their products.

ecoprintQ is a PaperCut certified authorized solution center that is also partnered with Umango. As an authorized solution center, we’re here for all of your print, copy, scan, and fax needs. For more information on PaperCut or Umango software, or what we can do to help you get started, email us at sales@ecoprintq.com or give us a call at 800-236-8499.

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