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¿Qué es la impresión en la nube?

Los servicios de impresión en la nube se dividen en dos funcionalidades separadas.  El Software que proporciona habilitación de impresión en la nube y el  software que proporciona gestión de impresión en la nube. Impresión en la nube frente a gestión de impresión en la nube. La impresión en la nube y la gestión de […]

What is cloud print?

Cloud printing services fall under two separate functionalities. Software that provides print enablement over the cloud. And software that provides print management in the cloud. Cloud print vs cloud print management Cloud print/cloud printing and cloud print management sound similar. But they mean two distinct forms of cloud print solutions. Cloud print or cloud printing […]

Understand the M-Files connector configuration

There are a number of ways the M-Files connector can be configured in your environment, and understanding those configurations is important for ensuring that your file upload process works correctly. The following guide will walk you through the configuration requirements for your specific integration.    There are a number of ways the M-Files connector can be […]

How ecoprintQ and PaperCut Help Technology Dealers with Healthcare Opportunities

Healthcare offers a great opportunity for office technology resellers. Estimated at over $135 billion annually (globally), PaperCut and partner ecoprintQ have dedicated resources to this vertical. Watch as PaperCut’s Mat Buttrey and ecoprintQ’s Ross Wood chat with Industry Analysts’ Andy Slawetsky about print management, healthcare and how dealers can capitalize on these customers. ecoprintQ is committed to delivering excellent service […]

¿Qué es PaperCut Grows?

PaperCut ha estado reduciendo el desperdicio de impresión durante 20 años y contando, evitando que se impriman 2300  millones  de páginas innecesarias, lo que equivale a 280 451 árboles salvados. Pero reducir el desperdicio es solo una parte del problema. Ahora están resolviendo la segunda mitad de la ecuación de la impresión: después de reducir los desechos, ¿cómo retribuyen […]

¡La disponibilidad general para PaperCut MF 22.0 ya está disponible!

¿Cómo mejorar la solución de gestión de impresión líder en el mercado? Durante los últimos dos años de la interrupción de la pandemia, PaperCut ha visto y escuchado de primera mano las necesidades cambiantes de sus clientes y socios. Están escuchando y tomando medidas para cumplir con las prioridades cambiantes de los clientes y aprovechar […]

General availability for PaperCut MF 22.0 is now live!

How do you make the market leading print management solution better? Over the last two years of pandemic disruption, PaperCut has seen and heard firsthand the changing needs of their customers and partners. They are listening and taking action to meet evolving customer priorities and build upon PaperCut MF’s market leading position, as recognized by […]

Umango, One of the Most Simple, Easy-to-Use Batch Scanning Application for those who Need to Scan, Index and Store Documents.

We all are aware of the growing importance of document storage, retrieval, and management. After all, who wants to be swimming around in a sea of paper? Unless you enjoy working and managing information, anyone with piles of paperwork will tell you they’d rather those piles were digital. And the best way to digitize your […]

Managed Print Services for Healthcare

What are the true benefits of managed print services (MPS) for healthcare? There are three areas in healthcare where MPS is important: 1) protecting print privacy, 2) increasing print security, and 3) providing print service, support, and monitoring. Print providers can offer a unique, timesaving, stress-reducing service that supports these vital institutions. The following are […]

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