Umango Profiling at the Device

Scanning and profiling documents directly at a multifunction device can provide significant efficiency and productivity benefits in your office environment.

What is Profile at Device?

Imagine being able to walk up to any photocopier (MFD) within your business and with the push of the button, scan and be presented in real-time on the panel, information from within your scanned documents.

This information would be the business rules that you want to use to name or use in your business and document management systems.

The information could be such things as:

  • Fixed zones on your documents that are automatically read and extracted e.g. Customer name, customer code
  • Dynamic information. eg locating the word ‘invoice’ on a document and read the invoice number located next to it
  • Read and extract barcodes (1D, 2D and even QR codes)
  • Be presented with a list of values or categories to choose from
  • And lots more…

Imagine being able to scan a volume of documents and be able to separate them based on a fixed number, a unique word, barcode or using Umango document separators. This automatic form of document separation enables the scanning of a large volumes of documents all at the one convenient time at the photocopier.

You can even create business rules to determine what information will be presented at the device for checking and what will be read and automatically saved (extract but don’t prompt me at the device).

During profiling, if you find the checking of information more comfortable at your P.C then select the option to continue profiling your documents back at your PC.

This takes the MFD to a whole new level with scanning documents and dynamically using information for your business rules and processes, quickly and easily.

ecoprintQ is a proud Umango Partner. An authorized solution center, ecoprintQ is here to help you with anything and everything Umango, from remote demos to remote installs to webinar training. For more information on Umango and how it can benefit your business, contact us at 800.236.8499 or

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