Author : Dianna Plasencia

Enhancing Healthcare Printing Efficiency: The Significance of Advanced Print Analytics

The healthcare industry is grappling with various challenges, including escalating costs, staffing shortages, heightened service demand, post-Covid recovery, and the push for increased digital health investments. Despite the UK National Health Service’s plan to go paperless over five years ago, recent reports revealed significant expenditures on paper medical records storage, indicating a substantial volume of […]

Exciting Update: Umango Unveils Seamless Salesforce Export Connectivity!

We at ecoprintQ are very excited to bring you this amazing news about our partner Umango!  Umango is proud to share the latest enhancement to their export connectors—introducing seamless connectivity to Salesforce! This addition expands our capabilities, allowing your clients to leverage Umango’s powerful tools for advanced capture from MFD touch screens and web browsers […]

Unlocking 70% of New Business Prospects: Umango’s Revolutionary Advancements in Capture Technology

Umango recently concluded an impactful series of sales and technical training sessions, heralding a new era in the market. These sessions revealed groundbreaking developments, showcasing how new Umango dealers are not just upgrading from outdated capture products but are also seizing untapped client opportunities that were previously out of reach. The sessions uncovered a pivotal […]

Scan to Fax

It would be incredibly convenient to have the ability to scan a document at a copier and immediately fax it from the same machine. This feature would save time and effort by eliminating the need to transfer the document to a separate fax machine. Additionally, it would streamline the process and make it more efficient […]

Moving to a Private Cloud – Things to consider

The process for moving your PaperCut MF Application Server between two on-premises servers is the same whether you’re moving it to a cloud platform hosted by Google, Microsoft, or Amazon. The distinction is in the extra work you’ll put in up front to make sure cloud hosting is appropriate for your business and in the […]

Serverless Printing: Print Server vs Serverless Printing

A dedicated print server used to be the sole way to control printing. Then “serverless” print management was made possible with the advent of cloud computing. But if you’re there debating between print servers and serverless, and which might be better? Actually, looking at it the wrong way. It’s not about one being better than […]

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